Friday 18 October 2013

My favourite blog!

Having never used or seen a blog before...I didn't know where to look for one...and I still don't!  I have typed in "Blog" and other variations.  A lot of "How to" and "sign up" websites appear, before I settle on the "Telegraph Blog"; a reputable name.  To me it looks like someone is giving their opinions on current affairs; which is what you would expect from a journalist website.  The page is nicely set out with lots of links to a variety of articles, and only one advert! All in all it looks like a normal webpage but called a blog.  Maybe I might find something better over the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave, it has been a steep learning curve for me as well. I am still not certain of what I am doing, I am finding things out more through chance than planning! Keep at it, am sure it will make more sense over time. Have a good weekend and see you Monday .Paul
