should be given opportunities to apply and develop their ICT capability through
the use of ICT tools to support their learning in all subjects”(ICT curriculum, 2012) Is the first line
from the government’s ICT curriculum, it clearly states their view in
supporting the use of ICT teaching and learning to current and future pupils. There are a few barriers that I would like to
Teachers – A fundamental part of the process and
how adaptable to change are they.
Cost – How cost effective is ICT?
Transformational leadership is how I see a good leader and
this can also be applied to a teacher/lecture/instructor/coach. How many “fossils “do we see and know scared
or intimidated by change. Evolving and
educating the teacher is probably the main priority, a review from The National
Commission on Education in 1993 had the foresight to realise the future in
technology. “Teachers...need training and support to adapt successfully to
flexible learning, managing independent learning, involving people in the
community and making full use of advanced technology.” (Education, 1993)
Cost is not just for the initial outlay of equipment; but
the constant updating of technology and software to coincide with evolving
products and resources. A certain amount
of the cost has to be set aside for the training of the people delivering the academic
material, and again, this is a constant outlay due to change of staff and
technology etc.
Do we lose the interaction and the chance to engage with the
students where technology supplies for the masses? The learning environment would change from a
personal classroom relationship with peers and tutors to a cyber based
relationship losing the basic communication and socialisation skills humans
These are in my opinion some of the barriers that could be faced with technology in education, they may seem bias and I am sure there are many more. I have not discussed students and their barriers, particularly in further education as there is possibly an age and ICT confidence issue. But as harsh as this seems, they can overcome their issues and reluctance and I am testimony to that! I have also not covered the positives or the
advantages...maybe another day?
Education, N. C. (1993). Learning to succeed.
London: Heinemann.
ICT curriculum. (2012, 02 12). Retrieved 12 03, 2013, from Department
for Education:
Interesting comparisons made, there are however a range of very useful, informative journals that would substantiate your argument.